Daily Archives: November 18, 2010

A New Face

Below is a picture of my old facial care routine. Looking back, I’m not the proudest person in knowing that I only used these products if I remembered. I also need to set straight that I was never unhappy with my face, but I finally came to realization that I need to take better of it. Maybe turning a quarter of a century had something to do with it. 







Now, let’s take a trip into the present. After a long conversation with my soon-to-be-sister-in-law (she happens to be a make artist) I decided to take her advice and try Clinique. She wasn’t pulling the wool over my eyes, and giving me a hard sell, but she thought that their products would be good for my skin type.  Now, my daily facial care routine has gone into hyper-drive.







I really do like the products so far.  Some of my favs:

  • The City Block tinted SPF. Since I’m not much of a foundation girl I love that this provides coverage and blends to make your skin even.
  • Moisture Surge. This stuff is great, and as your 3rd grade teacher talked bout glue, “Only a dab will do”.
  • All About the Eyes. Since I’m suffering from allergies 9-10 months out of the year my eyes can get dry and puffy (It’s not the most attractive look). This stuff has definitely improved that problem.
  • Finally, I’m still slathering on the Sun Block, Neutrogena style. My Clinique facial care expert told me that we need to use a teaspoon of sunblock for it to be completely effective.

Since I met with a facial expert, I have an appointment set in about 10 days. I hope I pass.
